Girls Wrestling

Maintaining proper hygiene is crucial in any sport, and wrestling is no exception. Due to the close physical contact and the potential for skin-to-skin contact, wrestlers need to be especially mindful of hygiene practices to prevent the spread of infections and ensure a healthy training environment. After wrestling practice, match or tournament you always want to take a shower. Also remember to cut your finger nails at least once per week with nail clippers. Here are some essential hygiene practices for wrestlers:



  • Shower Before and After Practice:

    • Showering before practice helps remove any existing bacteria on the skin.
    • Showering immediately after practice helps wash away sweat and bacteria that may have accumulated during training.


  • Clean Practice Gear:

    • Wash your wrestling gear, including singlets, headgear, and knee pads, after every practice.
    • Use a quality laundry detergent, and follow the care instructions on the gear to maintain its integrity.


  • Regularly Wash Clothing and Towels:

    • Wash workout clothing, towels, and any other items that come into contact with your skin regularly.
    • Avoid sharing towels, as this can contribute to the spread of skin infections.


  • Keep Nails Trimmed:

    • Short and well-maintained nails reduce the risk of scratching and transmitting bacteria.
    • Regularly check and trim both finger and toe nails.


  • Hair Care:

    • Keep hair clean and tied back during practice to minimize the risk of skin infections.
    • If you have long hair, consider using a head covering or hair tie to secure it.


  • Use Clean Mats:

    • Ensure that the wrestling mats are regularly cleaned and disinfected.
    • Wipe down the mat with disinfectant before and after practice.


  • Report Skin Issues Promptly:

    • Wrestlers should promptly report any skin issues, such as rashes, cuts, or infections, to coaches, trainers, or medical staff.
    • Infected individuals may need to be temporarily removed from practice or competition to prevent the spread of the infection.


  • Maintain Personal Hygiene:

    • Brush your teeth regularly to maintain oral hygiene.
    • Use deodorant to control body odor.


  • Hydration:

    • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
    • Proper hydration supports overall health and helps regulate body temperature during intense training sessions.


  • Education and Awareness:

    • Coaches and athletes should be educated about common skin infections in wrestling and be aware of preventive measures.
    • Athletes should be encouraged to communicate openly about any health concerns or symptoms.


By incorporating these hygiene practices into their routine, wrestlers can help create a safer and more hygienic environment, reducing the risk of skin infections and promoting overall well-being in the sport.