Girls Wrestling Only or Coed Wrestling 

The question of whether girls should wrestle in co-ed or girls-only settings depends on various factors, including individual preferences, opportunities available, and the specific context of the wrestling program. Both options have their advantages, and the decision often comes down to personal choice and the level of competition and support available in each setting.


Many schools have girls wrestling teams and I am seeing many clubs offer girls only wrestling. Many states and schools have recognized the growing interest and participation of female athletes in wrestling and have taken steps to provide dedicated opportunities for them. If your area does not offer girls-only wrestling don’t sweat it give your co-ed team a try. It can be an advantage to wrestle on a co-ed club or team because your daughter will have more mat time. She can compete against male opponents during regular season matches but having separate competitions or divisions for girls during tournaments.


The level of organization and recognition for girl’s wrestling can vary by location and local athletic associations. The trend, however, has been moving towards greater inclusivity and equity in high school sports, with more opportunities for female athletes in traditionally male-dominated sports like wrestling.

Here are some considerations for both co-ed and girls-only wrestling:


Co-ed Wrestling:

  1. Increased Competition: Wrestling on a co-ed team often means competing against both male and female opponents, which can provide a diverse range of competition experiences.
  2. Skill Development: Competing against male wrestlers may offer valuable learning experiences and opportunities for skill development.
  3. Team Camaraderie: Being part of a co-ed team fosters camaraderie and teamwork among all team members, regardless of gender.

Girls-Only Wrestling:

  1. Equal Opportunities: Girls-only wrestling programs can provide a space where female athletes receive equal attention, opportunities, and recognition.
  2. Inclusivity: Some female athletes may feel more comfortable and supported in an all-girls environment, which can positively impact their confidence and overall experience in the sport.
  3. Visibility and Recognition: Separate girls-only competitions can contribute to the visibility and recognition of female wrestlers, encouraging more girls to join the sport.

Ultimately, the ideal choice depends on the preferences and goals of the individual wrestler. Some female athletes may thrive in a co-ed environment, valuing the broader range of competition, while others may prefer the camaraderie and focus on girls-only teams. It's essential for schools and athletic organizations to provide options and support for both, recognizing the diverse needs and aspirations of female wrestlers.