Girls Wrestling 

Wrestling in the Greco-Roman style involves a set of rules that differ from freestyle wrestling. Here are some fundamental techniques and strategies for Greco-Roman wrestling for your daughter to learn:


  • Upper Body Emphasis:

    • Greco-Roman wrestling prohibits attacks below the waist. As a result, the emphasis is on throws, trips, and upper body control.
    • Work on strengthening your upper body, particularly your core, shoulders, and back.
  • Stance:

    • Start with a strong and balanced stance. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, with your knees slightly bent.
    • Unlike freestyle wrestling, you cannot attack the legs in Greco-Roman, so focus on controlling the upper body.
  • Hand Control:
    • Hand control is crucial in Greco-Roman wrestling. Grip fighting is a key aspect of gaining control over your opponent.
    • Work on pummeling drills to improve your ability to control ties and hand positions.
  • Throws and Lifts:
    • Mastering throws and lifts is essential in Greco-Roman wrestling. Practice techniques like the "arm throw," "hip toss," and various lifts.
    • Develop a solid understanding of off-balancing your opponent to set up these throws.
  • Positioning:

    • Focus on maintaining good position throughout the match. Keep your hips in and your chest up to control the center of gravity.
    • Avoid getting out of position, as this can make you susceptible to throws.
  • Defense:

    • Learn effective defensive techniques, including hip defense and counters to your opponent's throws.
    • Develop a strong base to resist being lifted or thrown by your opponent.
  • Conditioning:

    • Greco-Roman wrestling requires strength and endurance, especially in the upper body. Include specific conditioning exercises in your training routine.
  • Mat Awareness:
    • Understand the boundaries of the wrestling area and use them to your advantage. Being aware of the mat can help you avoid going out of bounds and potentially scoring points for your opponent.


    • Study Matches:

      • Watch high-level Greco-Roman matches to observe the techniques and strategies employed by experienced wrestlers.
      • Analyze your own matches to identify areas for improvement.
    • Live Wrestling:

      • Engage in live wrestling sessions to practice the techniques you've learned in a realistic setting.
      • Work with training partners who are experienced in Greco-Roman wrestling to gain valuable insights and feedback.


    Remember, consistent practice and dedication are key to improving your skills in Greco-Roman wrestling. It can be helpful to seek guidance from experienced coaches and wrestlers to refine your technique and strategy.



    Freestyle wrestling is a dynamic and fast-paced sport that allows both upper and lower body attacks. Here are some fundamental techniques and strategies for wrestling in the freestyle style:

    1. Stance:

      • Start with a balanced stance, with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent.
      • Unlike Greco-Roman wrestling, freestyle allows attacks to the legs, so be prepared to defend against shots and shoot for takedowns.
    2. Level Changes:

      • Incorporate level changes to keep your opponent guessing. Change levels by bending at the knees and hips, making it harder for your opponent to anticipate your movements.
    3. Shoots and Takedowns:

      • Freestyle wrestling allows for shots to both the upper and lower body. Practice single-leg and double-leg takedowns, as well as other leg attacks.
      • Work on quick, explosive movements to close the distance and secure takedowns.
    4. Sprawling:

      • Develop a strong sprawl to defend against your opponent's shots. When your opponent attempts a takedown, quickly sprawl by extending your legs backward and dropping your hips to avoid being taken down.
    5. Defense:

      • Practice various defensive techniques, including hand fighting, clearing ties, and countering your opponent's attacks.
      • Work on creating angles to make it difficult for your opponent to score.
    6. Mat Returns:

      • Freestyle wrestling places emphasis on returning your opponent to the mat. After a takedown, quickly lift and return your opponent to score additional points.
    7. Turns and Exposure:

      • Freestyle allows you to score points by exposing your opponent's back to the mat. Learn techniques such as gut wrenches, lace locks, and tilts to secure additional points.
    8. Transitioning:

      • Be comfortable transitioning between different positions. Freestyle wrestling often involves scrambling situations, so practice maintaining control and looking for scoring opportunities.
    9. Conditioning:

      • Freestyle matches are fast-paced and demanding, so focus on improving your overall conditioning. Include interval training and specific wrestling drills in your workout routine.
    10. Mat Awareness:

      • Understand the boundaries of the mat and be aware of your position. Avoid going out of bounds to prevent your opponent from scoring points.
    11. Study Matches:

      • Watch high-level freestyle matches to observe the techniques and strategies employed by successful wrestlers.
      • Analyze your own matches to identify areas for improvement.
    12. Live Wrestling:

      • Engage in live wrestling sessions to practice applying your techniques in realistic scenarios.
      • Work with training partners who have experience in freestyle wrestling to gain valuable insights and feedback.

    Consistent practice, technical refinement, and a focus on both offensive and defensive skills are essential for success in freestyle wrestling. Seeking guidance from experienced coaches and wrestlers can further enhance your development in this dynamic sport.