Girls Wrestling:

A dynamic shift is happening in the world of sports on the wrestling mat.  Young girls are challenging the traditional norms and stereotypes while being empowered. Girls wrestling, once a rarity, is now emerging as a formidable force within the realm of competitive athletics. This blog explores the growth of girls wrestling, its impact on athletes and society, and the inspiring stories that highlight the resilience and strength of these young women. If wrestling is something that interests you or your daughter I encourage you to purchase these training videos and DVD's.

Breaking Stereotypes:

Wrestling first appeared in the ancient Olympic games as an event during the 18th Olympiad in 708 BC. The first World Championships for women wasn’t held until 1987 by UWW, but the USA was not included. Even though this is a male-dominated sport, with deep-rooted stereotypes it has become one of the fastest growing sports for girls. Times are changing, and the narrative surrounding girls in sports is evolving. Girl’s wrestling is not just about breaking barriers; it's about shattering stereotypes and proving that strength, agility, and tenacity know no gender.

Empowerment Through Physical and Mental Strength:

Wrestling is a sport that physical and mental strength. When girls take up wrestling not only do they build physical endurance but also develop mental toughness, resilience, and strategic thinking. The skills acquired on the mat transcend the boundaries of sports, empowering these young women to face life's challenges head-on with confidence and grace.

Inclusive Opportunities:

The increased acceptance and recognition of girls wrestling have paved the way for more inclusive opportunities. Schools and wrestling organizations are acknowledging the demand for equality and providing girls with the chance to compete at the same level as their male counterparts. This inclusivity not only fosters a sense of belonging but also encourages a new generation of female athletes to pursue their passion for the sport.


Role Models in the Arena:

The rise of girls wrestling has brought forth a new wave of role models for aspiring female athletes. From Olympic champions to local heroes, these women inspire others to dream big and pursue their goals fearlessly. Their stories echo the importance of determination, discipline, and self-belief in overcoming obstacles and achieving success.

Community Support and Advocacy:

Support for girls wrestling is not limited to the mat. Communities are rallying behind these athletes, recognizing the value of diversity in sports. Parents, coaches, and fans are advocating for equal opportunities, ensuring that girls wrestling receives the attention and resources it deserves. This collective support fosters a sense of unity and encourages more girls to step onto the mat with pride.

Challenges and Triumphs:

While the growth of girls wrestling is undoubtedly a positive trend, challenges persist. Unequal resources, lingering stereotypes, and resistance to change pose hurdles for female wrestlers. However, it is through these challenges that these young athletes find their strength and resilience. Each triumph on the mat becomes a victory not just for the individual but for the entire movement.

Girls Wrestle Harder:

Girls wrestling is more than a sport; it's a movement that challenges societal norms and empowers young women to redefine their capabilities. As the world witnesses the rise of female wrestlers, it's crucial to celebrate their achievements, acknowledge the progress made, and continue advocating for equality in sports. The mat is no longer exclusive – it's a space where dreams are pursued, barriers are broken, and a new generation of empowered young women emerges, ready to make their mark on the world